Tag: Middle Ages

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An enigma named Celestine V

27.62K Views0 Comments

Celestine V was the only Pope who left his appointment before his death ( and for this reason Dante placed him in Hell in the Divine Comedy). During the four months of his pontificate he never once went to Rome. He’d bee...

Dentro la Sindone

55.14K Views1 Comments

La Sindone di Torino: nel nuovo documentario di "La Storia In Rete", le scoperte e le domande ancora senza risposta, tra Storia, scienza e fede, sulla più importante e sconvolgente reliquia di ogni tempo. Anno Produzi...

La vera storia di Santa Rita

12.49K Views0 Comments

In bilico tra storia, antropologia e apologetica cristiana, la vicenda di Margherita / Rita da Cascia ha attraversato oltre cinque secoli per fare di Santa Rita la donna più venerata al mondo dopo la Madonna. Tra la nat...

Saint Francis of Assisi

13.54K Views0 Comments

Francis of Assisi, one of the most important and influent Saints of the whole Christianity, honored by the new Pope when choosing a new papal name: Francis I. His life, from the early youth and his knight aspirations thro...

Saint Rita of Cascia

30.02K Views0 Comments

The extraordinary life of Rita of Cascia: believer, wife, mom, widow, nun, healer and saint. Venerated by milions of believers all over the world, Saint Rita is one of the most popular icons of the Christianity. Margheri...